Friday, May 14, 2010

die datang dengan lenggang lenggoknyaaaa....

Friday, May 14, 2010
hurei hurei
dah lama ditinggal
yelah... orang tuh asik ke pontian

dua minggu di pontian
sampai satu hari..
dapat kiriman dr kampung halaman
ayahanda si dia jatuh sakit
huhuhu... cuak kami di sini

balik kl sehari uruskan pape yang patot
eh tak sampai sehari pon
sengah hari je
sempatla makan2 nasik lemak sat
terus beliau pulang kampung halaman

dan hari ini beliau pulang
hoyeh hoyeh
menari dengan gembira

nak amik kat lcct or kl sentral
lcct or kl sentral
lcct or kl sentral
lcct or kl sentral
lcct or kl sentral



lily lotus said...

lcct teruslah..kata rindu :D

Hani Blythe said...

Hi. Came across your blog while browsing. Just a quick question, can't help but notice your bf's name is similar to one of my best friends. Is he by any chance doing masters at UM?

thanks :)

theorangelily said...

hani : sorry, i didnt notice your comment...
yes, he just finished his master in um